Embassies and consulates are the institutions in a foreign country that represent the government of their home country. The Nigerian Embassies and Consulates are government establishments in foreign countries where Nigerians go to conduct their official business as well as receive services.
These establishments are very helpful in providing information on the best places to visit and stay in a foreign country, citizenship issues, and much more. In this article, we outline foreign embassies and consulates in Nigeria across the world.
Here’s a full list of Nigerian embassies and consulates across the world.
International Passports In Nigeria – Cost, Types, Application
How To Book Cheap Flights In Nigeria
Complete List Of All USA ZIP Codes [US Zip Code List]
Country | Consulates Address | City | Contact details |
Algeria | Embassy of Nigeria No.7 Chemin Doudou Mokhtar Ben Aknoun, Algiers B.P. 227, Algiers 16000, Algiers | Algiers | Fax: 213-2-91.63.88 Telex: 61191 Tel 312-2-916387, 916391 |
Austria | Embassy of Nigeria Rennweg 25, 1031-Vienna, Austria | Vienna | Tel: 43-1-7126685,43-1-712 6686 43-1-7126687 |
Argentina | Embassy of Nigeria 2674 Rosales Street, (1636 Olive), Buenos Aires, Argentina P.O. Box 2100, Buenos Aires, Argentina | Buenos Aires | Tel: 54-11-4799-7139,54-11-4799-7006, 54-11-4799-8090,54-11-4794-5916, 54-11-4790-2031 Fax: 54-11-4794-4061E-mail: nigerianembassy@nigerianembassy.org |
Australia | 26, Guilfoyle Street, Yarralumla, Act 2600 P.O. Box 241, Civic Square ACT 2608 Canberra, Australia CODE 612- | Canberra | Tel: 61-2-6286 1322,61-2-62861044, 62827411,62820357,62820693 Fax: 62828471 E-mail: nigerian@dynamite.com.au |
Angola | Embassy of Nigeria Rua Presidente Boumedienne, 120 C.P. 479, Luanda, Angola | Luanda | Tel: 244-2-340084,244-2-340089,244-2-340088 Fax: 244-2-340089 |
Belgium | Embassy of Nigeria Avenue de Tervuren 288, 1150 Brussels, Belgium | Brussels | Tel: 32-2-762 52 00,32-2-7629831, 32-2-7629832,32-2-7623910 |
Bangladesh | Nigeria High Commission c/o Hotel Lake Castle (Temporary address) and Telephone & Fax nos. Dhaka, Bangladesh | Dhaka | Tel: 880-2-8812812, 880-2~8814137Fax: 880-2-9884677 |
Benin republic | Embassy of Nigeria Avenue de France, Marina, Cotonou B.P. 2019, Cotonou Republic of Benin | Cotonou | Tel: 229-30 11 42,229-30 18 70Fax: 229-30 11 13 |
Botswana | Nigeria High Commission Plot 1086/92 Queen’s Road, The Mali Gaborone G.O. Box 274, Gaborone, Botswana. | Gaborone | Tel: 267-313561 Fax: 267-351965,267-313738 Telex: 2415 BD |
Brazil | Embassy of Nigeria Sen. Av. Das Nascoeslote 5 Caixa Postal 03710, Brasilia, Brazil | Brasilia | Tel: 55-61-226-1717,55-61-226-1870 Fax: 55-61-322-1823,55-61-223-5839, 55-61-224-9830 E-mail:nigeriaemb@persocom.com.br; nigeria@persocom.com .br |
Burkina faso | Embassy of Nigeria B.P. 132, Avenue d’Oubritenga Rue de I’Hopital Quagadougou, Burkina Faso | Quagadougou | Tel: 226-30 66 67 Fax: 226- 31 52 02 Telex: (0978) 5236 BF E-mail: embrig@liptonfor.bf |
Cameroun | Nigeria Consulate Boulevard de la Liberte, Akwa Douala, B.P. 1553, Douala, Republic of Cameroun | Douala | Tel: 237-43-21-68,237-43-21-61 3432168 Fax: 237-42-07-66,3420766 Telex: (0970) 55556 |
Cameroun | Nigeria High Commission B.P. 448, Yaounde, Republic of Cameroun | Yaounde | Tel: 237-22-34-55, 237-23-45-23: 22234551 Fax: 237 2235551 Telex: (0970) 8267 E-mail: nig.yde@camnet.cm |
Cameroun | Consulate-General of Nigeria Bokwango P.M.B. 30, Buea South West Province, Republic of Cameroun | Buea | Tel: (237) 332 2528 (237) 332 2801 |
Canada | Nigeria High Commission 295 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa Ontario, Canada K2P lR9 | Ottawa | Tel: 1 (613) 236-0521, 1 (613) 236-0522, 1 (613) 236-0523 Fax: 1 (613) 236-0529 Telex: 053-3285 NIGERIA OTT E-mail: hc@nigeriahighcommottawa.com Website: www.nigeriahighcommottawa.com |
Central african rep. | Embassy of Nigeria Avenue B. Boganda P.O. Box 1010, Bangui Central African Republic | Bangui | Tel: 236-61-07-44 Fax: 236-61-07-44 Fax: 236-61-12-79 E-mail: nigemb@intnet.cf |
Chad | Embassy of Nigeria 35 Avenue Charles de Gaulle, B.P. 752, Ndjamena, Republic of Chad | Ndjamena | Tel: 235-52 2498,235-522647 Fax: 235-52 30 92 Telex: (0976) 5242 KD |
China | Embassy of Nigeria 2 Dong Wu Jie, San Li Tun, Beijing 100600 People’s Republic of China, | Beijing | Tel: 86-10-65323631,86-10-65323632, 86-10-65323633 Fax: 86-10-65321650 Telex: (085) 22274 E-mail: nigeria@bj.col.com.cp |
China | Consulate-General of Nigeria Rms. 3309-10, 33/F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, G.P.O. Box 5670, Hong Kong, China | Hong kong | Tel: 852-28278813,852-28278860 Fax: 852-28278892,852-28278896 Telex: 73963 IIX NIGER E-mail: ngrcohk@netvigator.com |
Congo | Embassy of Nigeria 11, Avenue Lyautey B.P. 790, Brazaville, Republic of Congo | Brazaville | Tel: 242-811022,242-811031 Fax: 242-811055 |
Congo | Embassy of Nigeria 141 Boulevard du 30 Juin, Kishasa/Gombe, B.P. 1700, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo | Kinshasa | Tel: 243-88-43273 Fax: 243-88-43274 Telex: 21173 E-mail: nigerianemba@ic.cd |
Cuba | Embassy of Nigeria 5th Avenue, No. 1401 (e 14 y 16) Miramar, Havana. P.O. Box 6232, Havana, Cuba | Havana | Tel: 53-7-242898,53-7-242091,Fax: 53-7-242202 E-mail: enigeria@cenia.inf.cu |
Cote D’ivoire | Embassy of Nigeria Nigeria House, 01 B.P. 1906, Abidjan 01, Cote D’ivoire (Ivory Coast) | Abidjan | Tel: 225-223082,225-211982, |
Egypt | Embassy of Nigeria No. 13 Gabalaya Street, Zamalek, Cairo | Cairo | Tel. 7353907, 7356042 Fax: 7557359,202-7357359 Telex: 20238EMBNIG UN E-mail: embassy@nigeriancairo.org |
Equatorial guinea | Embassy of Nigeria 4 Paseo de Los Cocoteros, Malabo P.O. Box 78, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea | Malabo | Tel: 240-9-2386,240-9-3194,240-9-2583 Fax: 240-9-3385 |
Eritrea | Embassy of Nigeria Ras Dashan Street House No. 10, Zonel, ADM 09, P.O. BOX 1241 Asmara, Eritrea | Asmara | Tel: 00291-1-125606 Fax: 00291-1-125578 |
Ethiopia | Embassy of Nigeria Azage Ayale Street, W9, K21, Addis Ababa, P.O. Box 1019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Addis Ababa | Tel: 251-1-55-06-44 Fax: 251-1-55-23-07 E-mail: nigeria.embassy@teleecom.net.et |
Equatorial guinea | Consulate-General of Nigeria Zambia Street, P.O. Box 217, Bata, Equatorial Guinea | Bata | Tel: 240-8-2402,240-8-2157, 240-8-2906 Fax: 240-8-2157, 240-8-2906 Telex: (999) 5218 |
France | Embassy of Nigeria 173 Avenue Victor-Hugo, 75116 Paris | Paris | Tel: 33-1-47044754,47554722 |
Gambia | Nigeria High Commission No. 52 Garba Jahumpa Avenue, Bakau, The Gambia P.O. Box 630, Banjul, The Gambia | Banjul | Tel: 220-495803,220-495804 Fax: 220-495803,220-49580 or 494305Telex: (220) 2297 E-mail: nigeriahc@qanet.gm |
Gabon | Embassy of Nigeria Avenue Leon Mba B.P. 1191, Libreville, Republic of Gabon, | Libreville | Tel: 241-73-22-03, 241-73-03-22 Fax: 241-73-29-14 Telex: (0973) 5605 E-mail: nigeriamission@internet.gabon.com. |
Germany | Embassy of Nigeria Goldbergweg 13, | Bonn | Tel: 49 (0228) 322071, 49 (0228) 322072 49 (0228) 422073 Fax: 49(0228)328088 Telex: (041) 885522 |
Germany | Embassy of Nigeria (Berlin Consul) Platanenstrasse 98 A, 13156 Berlin, Germany | Berlin | Tel: 49-30-4772300,49-30-4772301 Fax: 49-30-4772555 Telex: 041-307990 Fax: 21230212 E-mail: embassynigeria@yahoo.com |
Greece | Embassy of Nigeria Yakinthon 50, Paleo Psychico, 15452 Athens, Greece | Athens | Tel: 30-1 67 18004,30-16718007 Fax: 30-1 67 18008 |
Ghana | Nigeria High Commission No.5 Josef Broz Tito Avenue, P.O. Box 1548, Accra, Ghana | Accra | Tel: 233-21 776158, 233-21 776159 Fax: 233-21 774395 E-mail: nighcom@africaaoline.com.gh |
Guinea | Embassy of Nigeria Coleah Cornich Sud, B.P. 54, Conankry, Republic of Guinea | Conakry | Tel: 224-461 241 Fax: 224-462775 |
Guinea | Embassy of Nigeria No.6 Avenida 14 de Novembro, CPO 199, Bissau, Republic of Guinea | Bissau | Tel: 245-20 10 18 Fax: 245-20-25 64 |
Hungary | Embassy of Nigeria 1022 Budapest, Arvacska u 6, 1464 Budapest, P.O. Box 1499, Hungary | Budapest | Tel: 36-1-212-20-21,36-1-212-20-22 E-mail: nigeria@euroweb.hu |
India | Nigeria High Commission 21, Olof Palme Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi – 110057, India | New Delhi | Tel: 91-11-6146645,91-11-61 46221,91-1-6146048 Fax: 91-1-6146617,646641 Telex: 82062 NHC IN E-mail: nigeria.nhcnd@nde.vsnl.ir |
Iraq | Embassy of Nigeria Kings and President Street, Area 601, Lane 11, House 43, AL-mansour, P.O. Box 5933, Baghdad, Iraq | Baghdad | Tel: 964-1-5419915,964-1-5423133,964-1-5431517 Fax: 964-1-5434513 |
Iran | Embassy of Nigeria 155 Shahid Fahazi Street (formerly Fereshteh), Vali Asri, Tehran P.O. Box 11365 -7148, Tehran, Iran | Tehran | Tel: 98-21-2044608,98-21-2041617: 8774935 8774936,98-21-2040073 Fax: 8774921, |
Ireland | Embassy of Nigeria 56 Leeson Park, Dublin 6, Ireland | Dublin | Tel: 353-1-6604366,353-1-6604051,353-1-6604458, Fax: 353-1-6604092 |
Israel | Embassy of Nigeria 34 Gordon Street, P.O. Box 339, Tel-Aviv 61030, Israel | Tel-Aviv | Tel: 972-3-5222144,972-3-5222145 Fax: 972-3-5237886 E-mail: embnightv@att.global.net |
Italy | Em bassy of Nigeria Via Orazio 14/18 C.P.6157, 00193 Rome, Italy | Rome | Tel: 0039-06-6896672,0039-06-6896243, 0039-06-6896672,0039-06-6896243 Fax: 0039-06-6832528 Telex: 610666 E-mail: nigerianicme@iol.it |
Jamaica | Nigeria High Commission 5 Waterloo Road, P.O. Box 94, Kingston 10, Jamaica | Kingston | Tel: 876-926-0400,876-926-6408, 876-968-3732,876-968-7560 Fax: 876-968-7371 |
Japan | Embassy of Nigeria 5•11-17 Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo, Japan, | Tokyo | Tel: 813-5721-5391, 813-5721-5392, 813-5721-5393 Fax: 813-5721-5342,813-5721-5397,813-5721-5634 E-mail: nigeriaemb@hpo.net |
Kenya | Nigeria High Commission Lenana Road P.O. Box 30516, Nairobi Kenya | Nairobi | Tel: 254-2-564116, 254-2-570226, 254-2-576896 Fax: 254-2-575871 (25420-575871) Telex: 22194,582440 E-mail: nigken@todays.co.ke |
North korea | Embassy of Nigeria Daedonggang District, Mansudung P.O. Box 535, Pyongyang Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea) | Pyongyang | Tel: 850-2-3817558,850-2-3817168 Fax: 850-243817613, 850-2-3817293 |
South korea | Embassy of Nigeria 754-5, Hannam-dong, Y ongsan, Seoul Korea 140-210 (Republic of Korea) C.P.O. Box 3754 | Seoul | Tel: 82-2 .• 797-2370,82-2-797-3280 Fax: 82-2-796-2848 E-mail: nigerian@soback.kornet.nm.kr |
Kuwait | Embassy of Nigeria Block 1, Street 14, House No. 25 P.O. Box 6432 (Hawally), 32039 Kuwait | Kuwait | Tel: 965-5320794,965-5320795 Fax: 965-5320834 |
Lebanon | Embassy of Nigeria Beirut, Lebanon | Beirut | Tel: 961-1-857610 Fax: 96t-t-857610 |
Liberia | Embassy of Nigeria Tubman Boulevard, Sinkor, Monrovia P.O. Box 366, 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia | Monrovia | Tel: 231-227345 Fax: 231-226135 |
Libya | Embassy of Nigeria Shara Narjis, Hai AI-Zuhour, Tripopli P.O. Box 4427, Tripoli, Libya | Tripoli | Tel: 218-21-4443036,218-21-4443037 Fax: 218 .• 21-4443035 |
Malaysia | High Commission of Nigeria 85, Jalan Ampang Hilir, 55000 Kuala Lumpur P.O. Box 12879 50792 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur | Tel:603-4517843,603-4518512 Fax: 603-4524302 |
Mali | Embassy of Nigeria Rue 34, Badalabougou SEMA-Est, Bamako B.P. 57, Bamako, Mali | Bamako | Tel: 223-22-57-71,223-23-39-73 Fax: 223-22-52-84,223-23-39-74 |
Mauritania | Embassy of Nigeria E-Nord No. 191, Nouakchott B.P. 367, Nouakchott, Mauritania | Nouakchott | Tel: 222-252304,222-252314 Fax: 222-252346 Telex: (0974) 5869 |
Mexico | Embassy of Nigeria Parque Via Reforma No. 2035 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec Mexico D.F. C.P.11000 | Mexico City | Tel: 52-55960430,52-55969430, 52-52110112, Fax:52-52516091,52-5144473,55962004 55-55-52450105 |
Morocco | Embassy of Nigeria 70 Avenue Omar Ibn EI Khattab Agdal Rabat, Morocco B.P.347, Rabat, Morocco | Rabat | Tel: 212-7-671856,212-7-673856Fax: 212-7-672739 |
Mozambique | High Commission of Nigeria Avenida Kenneth Kaunda, 821 Maputo P.O. Box 4693, Maputo, Mozambique | Maputo | Tel: 258-1-490105,258-1-492457 Fax: 258 .• 1-490991 E-mail: nigermoz@vircomm.com |
Namibia | Nigeria High Commission No.4 Omuramba Road, Eros Windhoek, Namibia P.O. Box 23547 | Windhoek | Tel: 264-061-232103,264-061-232104 Fax: 264-061-221639,264-061-232105 Telex: 667 WHK E-mail: nignam@namib.com |
Netherlands | Embassy of Nigeria Wagenaarweg 5 2597 LL, The Hague, Netherlands | The Hague | Tel: 31-70-3501703 Fax: 31-70-3551110 E-Mail: www.nigerianembassv.nl |
Pakistan | Consulate General of Nigeria P.O. Box 12433, Karachi, Pakistan | Karachi | Tel: 92-21-5842491,92-21-5842492,92-21-5841946 Fax: 92-21-5842493 |
Pakistan | Nigeria High Commission Plot 132-135, Ispahani Road Sector G-5, Diplomatic Enclave P.O. Box 1075, Islamabad, Pakistan | Islamabad | Tel: 92-51-823542,92-51-823547, 92-51-823603,92-51-824104 Fax: 92-51-824104E-mail: nigeria@isb.consats.net.pk |
Philippines | Embassy of Nigeria 2211 Paraiso Street, Dasmarinas Village, Makati, Metro Manila P.O. Box 3174, Makati Central Post Office, 1271 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines | Manila | Tel: 632-843-9866,632-843-9868,632-843-9870, 632-8439873,632-887-7701, 632-887-7702 Fax: 632-843-9867 |
Poland | Embassy of Nigeria VI. Chocimska 18, 00-791 Warsaw, Poland. | Warsaw | Tel: 48-22-8486944, 48-22-8486712 Fax: 48-22-8485379 Telex: 8184675 E-mail: nigemb@ant.pl |
Portugal | Embassy of Nigeria Avenida de Vasco da Gama, No.3, Rostelo, Lisbon -1400, Portugal | Lisbon | Tel: 351-21-3016189,351-21-3016191 Fax: 351-21-3018152 Telex: 040-18418, NIGERIA P. E-mail: nigerlis@mail.telepae.pt |
Romania | Embassy of Nigeria Strada Orlando No.9 P.O. Box 1-305 Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania | Bucharest | T: 40-1-650.40.50,40-1-312.79.37 FAX: 40-1-312.06.22,40-1-312.79.37 Telex: 10478 Email: Nigeremb@canad.ro |
Saudi Arabia | Consulate-General of Nigeria #9 AI-Oroubah Street, Mushrefah District District P.O. Box 655, Jeddah 21421, Saudi Arabia | Jeddah | Tel: 966-2-6716865,966-2-6702886,966-2-6721561 Fax:966-2-6730073 Tel/Fax: 966-2-6702886 E-mail: nigerjed@orgertel.com |
Saudi Arabia | Embassy of Nigeria Abubakar AI-Razi Square, Abdullah Bin Khuzafah AI-Sahami Road, Diplomatic Quarters 94386, Riyadh 11693, Saudi Arabia | Riyadh | Tel: 9661-4823024,9661-4823982, 9661-4801827 Fax: 9661-4824134,9661-4801828 Telex: 406177 EMBANG SJ E-mail: nigeriayd@zajil.net |
Sao tome & Principe | Embassy of Nigeria Bairro de fevcreiro Avenida das Nacoes Unidas C.P. 1000 Sao Tome & Principe | Sao tome & Principe | Tel: 239-12.25404,52405 Fax: 239-12-25406 office: 239-12-25404,25407 |
Senegal | Embassy of Nigeria Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar B.P. 3129, Dakar, Senegal | Dakar | Tel: 221-824 43 97,221-8246922 Fax: 221-8258136 E-mail: ambnig@telecomplus.sn |
Sierra Leone | Nigeria High Commission Nigeria House 37 Siaka Stephens Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone | Freetown | Tel: 232-22-224224, 232-22-224229 Fax: 232-22-224219 |
Singapore | Nigeria High Commission Shaw House 16th Floor, #16-09/10 350 Orchard Road, Singapore 238868 | Singapore | Tel: 65-7321743,65-7321578,65-7321579 |
Somalia | Embassy of Nigeria (temporarily closed) Kilometre 5, P.O. Box 980 Mogadishu, Somalia | Mogadishu | |
South Africa | Consulate -General of Nigeria 6 Bolton & Newport Roads Parkwood 2193, Johannesburg P.O. Box 1014, Saxonworld 2132, Johannesburg, South Africa | Johannesburg | Tel: 27-11-442-3620, Fax: 27-11-442-3841,27-11-447-4625 Telex: 431410 E-mail: nigcon@iafrica.com |
South Africa | Nigeria High Commission No. 971 Schoeman Street, Hatfield 0083, Pretoria P.O. Box 27332, Sunnyside 0132, Pretoria, South Africa | Pretoria | Tel: 27-12-342 080527-12-342 0905, 27-12-3420808 Fax: 27-12 3420718 E-maiI: nhcp@africa.com |
Spain | Embassy of Nigeria 23,Sagre Street, P.O. Box 14.287 28002, Madrid, Spain | Madrid | Tel: 34-91-5630911, 34-91-5630971, 34-91-563 1031, 34-91-5633144 Fax: 34-91~563 6320, 34-91-5630258 Telex: 44395 ENIG E E-mail: nigerian-emb-sp@et.es |
Sudan | Embassy of Nigeria No. 17 Sharia M’C Nimier, P.O. Box 1538, Khartoum, Sudan | Khartoum | Tel: 2-49-11 779120,2-49-11-779 121,2-491 779122 Fax: 2-49-1 771491 |
Sweden | Embassy of Nigeria Tyrgatan 8, 11427 Stockholm Box 629 101 32 Stockholm, Sweden | Stockholm | Tel: 46-8-246390,46-8-246392, Fax: 46-8-24 63 98 E-mail: nigeriaembassystockholm@swipnet.se |
Switzerland | Embassy of Nigeria 45, Zieglerstrasse, 3007 Berne P.O. Box 574, Berne, Switzerland | Berne | Tel: 41-31-382 0726, 41-31-382 0727, 41-31-382 0726, 41-31-382 0729 Fax: 41-31-3821602,31 .. 3842626 E-mail: nigerianbern@nigerianbern.org |
Switzerland | Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the UN 1 Rue Richard-Wagner 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland | Geneva | Tel: 41-22730. 14.14 Fax: 412869 NGRA CD E-mail: mission.nigeria@ties.ltu.int |
Tanzania | Nigeria High Commission 83 Haile Selassie Road P.O. Box 9214, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania | Dar-es-Salaam | Tel: 255-51 666000, 255-51 667620, 255-51666834 Fax: 255-51 668947 E-mail: nhc-dsm@raha.com |
Uganda | Plot 33, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4338, Kampala, Uganda | Kampala | Tel: 256-41-233691,256-41-233692 Fax: 256-41-233691,256-41-233692,E-mail: nighicom@swiftuganda.com |
Ukraine | Embassy of Nigeria Kiev, Ukraine | Kiev | Tel: 380-44 294 8856 Fax: 380-44 2948856 |
United Kingdom | Nigeria High Commission 9, Northumberland Avenue London WC2N 5 BX P.O. Box: 29041, London WC2N 5QJ | London | Tel: 44-02078391244, 44-02078398746 Fax: 44-02078398746 |
United Kingdom | Consular Affairs Annex 56/57 Fleet Street, London EC47 IBT | London | Tel: 44-02073533776,44-02073532401 Fax: 44-02073532401 |
United States Of America | ATLANTA Consulate-General of Nigeria 4488 North Shallowford Road, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA. 30338, U.S.A . | Atlanta | Tel: 01-770-394-6261, 01-770-394-6237, 01-770-394-5245 Fax: 01-770-394-4671 E-mail: info@nigeria-consulate-atl.org |
United States Of America | Consulate-General of Nigeria, 828 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017, United States of America, | New York | Tel: 1-212-808-0301 Fax: 6871476/687P303 |
United States Of America | Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the New Nations 828 Second Avenue, N.Y.,10017 | New York | Tel: 1-212-953-9130, (212) 697-7189 Fax: 1-212-953-1970, (212) 697-7189 |
United States Of America | Embassy of Nigeria 1333 16tb Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 – U.S.A. | Washington | Tel: 01-202-986-8400,01-202-822-1500, Fax: 01-202-755-1385,01-202-986-8449, Phones/Fax: 01-202-462-7124,01-202.986-4554 E-mail-embassyinfo@nigeria-government.com |
Venezuela | Embassy of Nigeria Quinta Leticia, Calle Chivacoa, Cruce con Calle Taria, Urbanizacion San Roman, Caracas 1060-A Aptd. 62063 Chactlo, Caracas 1060-A, Venezuela | Caracas | Tel: 58-2993-15-20,58-2-993-50-91 Fax: 58-2-993-76-48, 58-2 993-76-58 E-mail: embnig@contv.nei |
Yugoslavia | Embassy of Nigeria P.O. Box 1021, Belgrade, Yugoslavia | Belgrade | Tel: 38-11-413-329,38-11-401-315, 38-11-413-411,38-11-419-814 Fax: 38-11-401-305 |
Zambia | Nigeria High Commission 5203 Haile Selessie Avenue, Diplomatic Triangle, Longacres, Lusaka. P.O. Box 32598, Lusaka, Zambia | Lusaka | Tel: 260-1-253177,260-1-253265 Fax: 260-1-252535 E-mail: nigeria-hc.lusaka@zamnet.zm |
Zimbabwe | Nigeria High Commission 36, Samora Machel Avenue P.O. Box 4742, Harare, Zimbabwe. | Harare | Tel: 263-4-790/65,263-4-790766, 263-4-790767,263-4-790768 Fax: 263-4-725004,263-4-790763 |
Page Contents
Functions of The Nigerian Embassy
Embassies, including the Nigerian Embassy, serve as diplomatic missions representing a country in another country. Here are some key functions of the Nigerian Embassy:
1. Diplomatic Representation
The embassy serves as the official representation of Nigeria in the host country. It represents the interests of the Nigerian government and its citizens abroad.
Consular Services:
2. Visa Issuance
Providing visa services for individuals who wish to travel to Nigeria for various purposes, such as tourism, business, or education.
3. Passport Services
Assisting Nigerian citizens with passport-related matters, including issuance and renewal.
4. Legalization and Authentication
Authenticating documents for use in Nigeria or in the host country.
5. Promotion of Trade and Economic Relations
Facilitating Business: Promoting economic and trade relations between Nigeria and the host country by assisting in business activities, trade missions, and investment opportunities.
6. Cultural and Educational Exchange
Cultural Promotion: Organizing cultural events, exhibitions, and exchanges to promote Nigerian culture and traditions in the host country.
7. Educational Assistance
Providing information and support for educational opportunities in Nigeria and fostering educational exchanges between the two countries.
8. Assistance to Nigerian Citizens
Providing assistance to Nigerian citizens facing emergencies, such as accidents, illness, or legal issues in the host country.
Advocating for the rights and welfare of Nigerian citizens living or traveling abroad.
9. Political and Information Gathering
Building and maintaining diplomatic relations with the government and institutions of the host country.
Information Gathering: Collecting and reporting information about political, economic, and social developments in the host country.
The Nigerian Embassies and Consulates worldwide play a crucial role in fostering diplomatic relations, providing consular services, and promoting the interests of Nigeria and its citizens globally. With addresses and contact details dispersed across the world, these missions serve as vital hubs for diplomatic engagement, trade facilitation, and support for Nigerian communities abroad. As pillars of representation, they contribute significantly to the connectivity and well-being of Nigerians internationally, embodying the spirit of diplomacy and collaboration on a global scale.