Boxing Day is a joyful time filled with friends, family, and of course, good food. It’s also a time when people remember those individuals who are no longer with them, as well as those still unknown to them.
Boxing Day is celebrated on the 26th of December, a day after Christmas. It is considered an important holiday for many countries, both in the UK and around the world. This makes it a great time to kick-start your online shopping, or help a friend or loved one do so.
Boxing day is a special time to celebrate with others and enjoy the gains of the holiday season. Make it even better by letting others know how much they mean to you. Here are some of the best Boxing Day messages to make your friends and loved ones feel special.
100+ Happy Easter Wishes For Family And Friends
100+ Merry Christmas Wishes, Prayers, Messages To Friends And Family
100+ Happy New Year Wishes To Friends And Family
Page Contents
Happy Boxing Day Messages To Friends And Loved Ones
1. Happy boxing, It is rare to meet someone who can make you feel as special as I do. You have brought so much love and joy into my life. Every day I am so thankful for all you have done for us. There is no doubt in my mind we will spend a lifetime together. I love you from the bottom of my heart!
2. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I love how we can talk about anything and everything. You are my soulmate and I will never stop loving you. Every day that passes makes me want to spend more and more time with you. I couldn’t imagine a life without you by my side. My heart will be full as long as I have you, the love of my life! Happy boxing day
3. As many present as I got today, they all amounted to nothing in comparison with the one you gave me. The one that you gave me was more than I could ever ask for. My love for you is immeasurable and something so deep and pure, that it can’t be expressed in words. Every night when I go to bed and every morning when I wake up, I think of you and what you mean to me. Happy Boxing Day to you.
4. Happy Boxing Day, my love. I hope you had a great Christmas and received many boxes of chocolates and flowers [buy flowers online for your loved ones]. Although I know there will be plenty of boxes to come, I’ve got my gift coming for you in December.
5. I love you more than words could ever express. I will spend every day of the rest of my life trying to show you how grateful I am that you are my husband and the father of my children! You are my best friend. Happy Boxing Day, love.
6. I just wanted to say Happy Boxing Day! I know you just got a new job so I have a really small present for you. Nothing fancy, but it’s something to show you how much I care. I love you!
7. Dear husband, as I think about how much you mean to me, the word love cannot come close to describing it. You make my life complete and I want you to know that you mean everything to me. Wishing you a happy boxing day!
8. I love you more than anything in the world. I couldn’t be any more excited that you are celebrating Boxing Day with me and our family this year. I am so lucky to have found you and to have you in my life this past year. Never forget how much I love you! Have a nice boxing day.
9. I may not have gotten you anything for Boxing Day this year, but that doesn’t mean I love you any less! It’s hard for me to shop for you because I know you have everything. I do, however, know your favorite pizza and that’s what I got you. Hope you enjoyed it, sweetheart!
10. Happy Boxing Day to you sweetheart, There is no more precious gift than realizing you are cherished. I cherish you more & more every day…thank you for the love and beauty you bring to my life. I love you!
Romantic Boxing Day Message
11. Happy Boxing Day my love! I woke up thinking about you and how much I’ve missed you. I can’t wait for tomorrow when we will be together again. I got you this gift as a token of my gratitude for all the laughter, love, and joy you’ve brought into my life.
12. Happy Boxing Day, I remain eternally grateful that you came into my life. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have met you! You are one of a kind and I’m hoping that our paths cross again so I can be with you forever! I love you, baby, have a great day!!!
13. I love you my little squirrel and I hope you have a boxing great day. You are the light of my life, the love of my heart. I will always be by your side and I just want to say that…I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, BABY!!!! Have a great boxing day.
14. Happy Boxing Day, our relationship is getting stronger every day. I love you more than anything in my life, I love you more than my own life, and I’d rather lose anything else before losing you. You are that important to me baby!
15. It’s boxing day and I’m writing this letter to remind you that I love you. I know it’s not Christmas time, but I want to give you a little holiday cheer with these words. I may not be able to buy you an expensive gift (as much as I would love to) but I can give you my love and affection. You are my life my universe- my everything! Hope you have a great new year and many more to come!
16. What better gift could I ask for than your love! You are my world and the love of my life. I have never felt so alive in my life as I do when I am with you. Thank you for being the perfect boyfriend. I hope this holiday finds you warm, cozy, and full of joy.
17. I love you more than I can explain in words. Every time I wake up beside you and see your sexy face, I fall in love over and over and over again! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for every moment we get together and every call, text, email, and message. Have a happy boxing day.
18. You are strong, courageous, and very tall. I love your beautiful brown eyes and your smile. You are my hero. I am so lucky to have you as my boyfriend! You mean everything to me and I hope you know that I will always be here for you no matter what. I wish you a happy and prosperous Boxing Day.
19. I LOVE YOU! I have loved you since the day we first met and with every second that goes by I love you even more. You are an amazing man and I will forever be grateful for finding a gem like you. Wishing you a boxing day better than your last.
20. I love you so much. You are the most amazing man I know. I couldn’t imagine life without you by my side. You make me smile and push me to be a better person and I love how you make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world! Wishing you a happy Eid al Adha.
Happy Boxing Day Messages To Girlfriend
21. I hope your Christmas was amazing, and I hope this Boxing Day will be filled with happiness, love, and laughter. You are one of a kind! I can’t wait to spend another year with you. Happy Boxing Day!
22. It’s been a wonderful year, filled with laughter and so many blessings from above. I can’t imagine a life without your love, now and forever. I will have you in my heart forever, please stay by my side. I can’t wait to see what this Boxing Day brings us!
23. Happy Boxing Day babe, I don’t know where I would be without you in my life. You have become such an inspiring person to me, and I have truly fallen so deeply in love with you. Each day we spend together is full of excitement and adventure, and I can’t wait to see what the next one has in store.
24. it doesn’t matter where life takes us. As long as I’m with you I know that we are going to be okay. you make me happy just to be around you and that is why I love you so much. Wishing you a wonderful boxing day.
25. I know that the holidays are stressful and you have a lot to do, but I think about you every day and hope that you are doing well. Please remember that I love you very much and I wish that we could spend Boxing Day together without drama.
26. Happy boxing day baby, I’m beside myself with joy the entire time I’m around you. Life is so much more fun when we are together. I can’t help but smile. I love you and I just wanted to say thanks for being such an amazing part of my life. I wish you all the best on this day.
27. I might not say it enough, but I’ll say it often. I love you! We’ve been through so much together and have grown exponentially. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want to see you every day for the rest of my life and grow old with you. Wishing you a blessed boxing day.
28. I can’t begin to explain the joy you bring me every day. I love coming home to find a smile on your face just for me. You give me butterflies every time I see you! I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. Have a happy boxing day.
29. Merry Christmas! Happy Boxing Day!! I hope my gift to you made up for me not being able to be home with you today. I know today is hard for you, but it is still as special for me. I want to thank you for being my best friend and giving me unconditional love when I need it most. I wish you a happy and prosperous Boxing Day.
30. You are such a wonderful person in my life and I love you very much. Happy Boxing Day baby, I wish you all the best today and always.
Happy Boxing Day Messages To Boyfriend
31. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, you are by far my best friend, my lover, and my everything. I can’t get enough of your kisses, can’t stop looking at you, won’t ever go a day without talking to you, and won’t ever let you go. You mean everything to me and I’m lucky to have you in my life! Have a happy boxing day.
32. Happy Boxing Day babe, every day is a gift because it’s another chance to spend with you. Every time I look at you my heart skips a beat and my stomach goes crazy. I just love you so much and can’t seem to get enough of you.
33. I don’t know what I’d do without you, you’re the perfect boyfriend. You can always make me feel better, and brighten my day whenever I see you. You are my best friend, my soulmate. It’s so amazing to have found you, love. Thanks for always being there for me. Happy Boxing Day honey.
34. I want to say thank you for everything. You are such an amazing boyfriend. You make me feel special like I’m just the most important person in your life. I love how you let me be myself and never make me feel like I have to put on a show for anyone. You are such an amazing boyfriend, and my life is so much more exciting with you in it. I hope this holiday season we can do something special together because a night with you is always the best gift, I wish you happy boxing.
35. You are my best friend and I love you. Thank you for all that you do for me and for the happiness you bring me. I am so lucky to have a wonderful guy like you in my life! Happy Boxing Day love!
36. Happy Boxing Day! So much has happened in this past year, for both of us. The feelings I have for you will never change. My love for you is more than any present that could have been bought for me today. I love you with ALL my heart! Happy Boxing Day.
37. Happy Boxing Day honey, I just wanted to say that I love you so much and couldn’t imagine my life without you. You are the kindest, sweetest most wonderful man that there could ever be. You show me every day how lucky I am to have you as my boyfriend and I kiss every little scar that makes you unique!
38. I think you are the most amazing man I have ever met. I can’t imagine how my life would be without you. You make me feel like I am the only girl in the world. I am so lucky to have found you and look forward to our future together with more love and happiness! Have a happy boxing day.
39. You are the most amazing man I know, my best friend. I am so glad we’ve found each other and I can’t wait to spend even more time with you! Thank you for all the stuff you’ve done for me and I love you more than you know! I’m so happy that you have an amazing boxing day.
40. I always feel loved when I’m with you. You have this amazing way of making me feel like I am the only person in the room. You make my heart skip a beat, my face smile, and my day that much brighter. The love that we share is indescribable and I will never be able to fully explain it. Happy boxing day sweet heart.
Happy Boxing Day Prayer
41. Happy boxing to all of you, As you travel along this holiday, be it your faith or just fun, remember we pray and hope that you will each be safe, strong, and smiling. How great life is to have a close loving family made up of people we cherish so much. May your day be merry blessed and bright!
42. I’m sending this out to all my friends, and I hope you feel the warmth it brings. The world needs more love these days, and I’m glad you’re taking an active part in spreading it. I hope you feel as loved as I do know you are all out there doing positive things for each other and the world. I pray this boxing day grants all your heart’s desire.
43. It’s been a tough year, but you are all I have. I know that together we can get through anything. God bless every one of you. Even though we don’t all get along, you are still my family. I love you all with all my heart! Have a happy boxing day.
44. Dear friends, I hope you are all well and enjoying the holidays! Stay safe, stay happy and most of all stay loved! We love and appreciate our friends!! Have a blessed boxing day.
45. Dear friends and family, I hope this finds you well and ready for the holidays. We’ve had a year of ups and downs… of laughter and tears,… but it’s only strengthened our bond with each other. I want to wish you all the best this Boxing Day, and may we all be blessed with health and happiness.
46. My friends, you make my life so warm, so full of laughter and joy. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Your friendship means the world to me and I cherish every moment we spend together. I hope you enjoy your boxing day.
47. Thank you for always loving me and making me feel like I’m your favorite sister. Every time I pray, I pray for you. Even though we sometimes argue, I know that you love me more than anything in this world, and I do the same to you. I’m so proud of you for having a happy boxing day.
48. I love you, and I pray that you will always be blessed. May your dreams come true and you will find happiness in your life. I hope that you and all your loved ones have a very blessed boxing day.
49. Thank you for the many years of happiness, laughter, and fun. Your love is so appreciated and missed. We hope this boxing day will bring you health, happiness, and long life. We love you always!
50. I do not doubt that this boxing day will be one to remember so I’d like to take a moment and pray for you. May God bless you with peace, love, and joy as you spend a happy day with your family and friends.
Boxing Day Captions For Couples
51. I love you, sweetie. I just want to tell you that all the time because I can’t get over how grateful I am for you! I will always love you, tomorrow and forever! Have a wonderful day and happy holidays!
52. Happy boxing, my love for you grows by the second. You are my world, the reason I wake up in the morning. I love your smile, your eyes, and how you make me feel so good about myself.
53. None of these presents will ever compare to you. Every Christmas and Boxing Day I just want to tell you how much you mean to me. You are my world, the best thing that has ever happened to me. I LOVE YOU! I can’t wait for many more years with you.
54. I want to be with you forever. Every day that we are together is a day I cherish. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. Wish you a happy boxing day.
55. What would I do without you!? My sweet, generous, and caring boyfriend. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I love the way you smile when I walk into a room and the way you push your hair back when you’re thinking. You were meant for me!
56. Hello Honey, I wish you a very happy boxing day. You mean so much to me and I would never want to spend my day anywhere else but with you! I love you so much!
57. Happy Boxing Day! I hope you had a wonderful day. I know it was short, but I’m glad we got to spend it together. I love you so much and can’t wait for this year to be an even better year than the past one. May all your wishes come true.
58. I love you SO much. I have never met such an amazing person in my entire life, and you’ve brought me so much joy that my heart feels full with only the thought of you! Rolling around in bed the other day, I just realized how real it is that I’m going to marry you someday… and how lucky I am for that fact. Every day I look forward to seeing your beautiful face. Have a happy boxing day.
59. When we first set eyes on each other, I realized what true love meant. The smile you gave me was spontaneous and overtook me making my heart skip a beat. The more I got to know you, the more I fell in love with everything about you. Today you are my best friend and my soul mate. I love you!
60. You are my love, my life, my dream come true. I adore you endlessly and can’t believe you finally said: “I Do”! You took my breath away and made my heart burst with joy. I am so lucky that you are mine! Have a blessed boxing day.
Happy Boxing Day Wishes And Messages To Crush
61. I love you! When I’m with you I’m home. I need you in my life. I can’t wait to see what our future holds. You’re the most wonderful person in the world and I want to be with you forever. Happy boxing day babe.
62. Happy Boxing Day honey, the most amazing man I know. You are my rock, my heart, and the love of my life. You make me happy like no one ever has or ever will. I love you so much!
63. I’m so glad to call you my bae. Your smile makes me feel lucky. I love you more than words can ever say. Be mine forever! Exactly I wish you a blessed boxing day.
64. Happy Boxing Day my dearest crush, I love you so much and I am so happy you came into my life. I can’t imagine anyone else being with me and making me as happy as you do. I love the way you kiss; I love the way you smile, I love everything about you…I just love you!
65. I wonder what you are doing today. I hope you have a wonderful day with your friends and family. I can’t stop thinking about you. My crush on you is growing every day, you have become such a big part of my life I don’t know if I can function without you by my side. Have a happy boxing day.
66. I just wanted to take some time to thank you for all you do. You have been so amazing and understanding this year. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have you in my life. You always give me the strength to keep moving forward. You are beautiful, smart, and amazing! You deserve all the happiness in the world baby. Here’s another boxing day for us being together, it sure will be a good one!
67. Hey sweetie, I hope you have a great day today. I wanted to tell you that you are my everything. Nobody knows me better than you do, and I’ll always be here for support whenever you need it. Wishing you a happy boxing day.
68. I can’t say it enough, I love you! You are all I think about, and all I dream about. My heart has never been so full and my life has never been so wonderful. Have a big juicy kiss for me. Happy boxing day babe.
69. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but the day you came into my life is the day that changed me forever. You make me smile, laugh, and feel loved as no one else can. You are my better half and I love you! Have a blessed boxing day.
70. I love you more than my heart could ever hold. I don’t think about anything else except for you and only want to be the one making you happy. I want to be the first person to make you laugh every day and the last person to kiss you each night. I hope that in this lifetime I can spend it with you and grow old together as husband and wife. Wish you a happy boxing day.
Happy Boxing Day Greeting Cards Writeups
71. Happy Boxing Day! I thought you might like this gift to remind you of me as this is my first ever Christmas present for you. I hope it’s a good one! Remember, that under our tree we’ll find the best log for burning and I’ll cut it into shape for us. This will be fun for us on those cold winter nights when we snuggle up together.
72. I want to wish you a Happy Boxing Day. From my family to yours, we are sending you happy wishes as you celebrate this holiday with your friends and family. There is nothing better than celebrating a fun and meaningful day with loved ones!
73. I may not be able to say those three words to you, but I am writing this letter in hopes of providing proof to you that my feeling is true. I have been through so much with you and hope to go through more good times as we grow old together. My heart rises every time I see your face and every time you come into my mind. It falls every time I hear your voice or think of what could have been.
74. We are all very lucky to have you in our lives. You are the most caring, intelligent, and thoughtful person I know. We all appreciate the time you take out of your busy schedule to be with us. Here’s to a fantastic celebration, here’s to friendship and love. Please do enjoy the pressies! Happy Boxing Day.
75. Just wanted to say thanks for making my boxing day extra special. I am happier than I ever thought possible. I don’t even mind waking up to shovel now that I know it’s with you. Every day is a new adventure and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us. Thanks for being such an amazing friend and more importantly, the love of my life.
76. I have found a wonderful group of friends here in town. They are all so cheerful and friendly! I can’t thank you enough for all your support. Thank you! Wishing you an amazing boxing day.
77. The friendship you have given me is like a precious gift. I will forever cherish it, and always be thankful for its existence. As you grow in life as I do, remember that I am here for you if you ever need anything. Happy Boxing Day.
78. Happy Boxing Day to you, I am hoping this message finds you well and in good spirits. I remember the last time we hung out, it was just like old times and I could not wait to see you again. I hope everything is alright. All my love!
79. You are more than just a friend to me. I wish you happiness and success on this boxing day, I hope that all your wishes come true because you deserve it!
80. I hope this festive season brings you peace, joy, and love. The holidays are a special time, let us hold on to the generosity and empathy that they bring. Happy holiday!
Happy Boxing Day Messages To Lover
81. Your presence in my life has made me a better man. I love our intimate moments, your fun personality, and your sweet spirit. I can’t wait to come home to you and spend some time together. You are my lover, my best friend, my everything! I love you so much. Wishing you a happy holiday.
82. Being in love with you has been the greatest gift I could ever ask for. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life. I promise to never let you go, forever and always. Put this in your profile and let the world know how much you’re loved.”
83. The pleasures and joys of our relationship are endless!! I love hanging out with you and sharing our lives. The best thing that I have ever done is fall in love with you. You bring so much light into my life and make me fall harder each day. I am so lucky to have the love of my life by my side. Have an amazing holiday.
84. I love you. Until the end of time, we will be blessed with one another’s company. My heart is yours and I promise to treasure it forever. Wish you a blessed boxing day.
85. I am writing this note to say that I LOVE YOU! I love you more than I have ever loved another man. You are my everything. You are my light, my passion, and what keeps me going in this dark world. Thank you for always being there for me through the toughest of times and always encouraging me to go after my dreams. I could never thank you enough for the happiness you bring into my life and the friends that you introduced me to. Happy holiday babe.
86. You have been the greatest treasure in my life’s journey. All that I have experienced tasted, and felt was for a purpose. It was all about YOU! I am thankful for the time we spent together. I hope that you feel the same way. Thanks for coming into my life and making me feel complete. Wishing you an awesome holiday.
87. My heart is pounding as I type this. You have filled my world with colors and light, love, and happiness. They say that the best things in life come for free. But you are not and never will be one of them. We have spent years together now and yet I still feel all the butterflies when I see you, it’s even stronger than when we first met. You are everything to me and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy Boxing Day to you.
88. I am so thankful I found you. You are my perfect match and the only person that completes me. The way we click, how I feel when I’m with you, it’s as though we were meant for each other. That’s why whenever I think about us, and how much you mean to me, my stomach fills with butterflies and all of my emotions run wild! Have a nice boxing day.
89. Happy Boxing Day baby, I hope you had a great day! I just wanted to reach out and tell you that I love you so much, and mean the world to me, and don’t ever forget it! I want to spend the rest of my life with you forever! I want to let you know how I feel about you and was just thinking about it.
90. You are my lover, the most amazing man I have ever known. You bring me so much joy that I can’t stop smiling. I love you more every single day, and I will never let you go! I wish you a happy boxing day.
Happy Boxing Day Wishes To Friends
91. I want to say Happy Boxing Day to all my friends. I hope that you have a lot of fun, but most importantly I hope we can spend a lot of time together because that’s what makes us the happiest. Your friends
92. I want to say thank you for being my friend. I appreciate everything you do for me and all the love you share. I wish you happiness and joy but more importantly, health and success in all your endeavors. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart, and be good to yourself. Wish you an amazing holiday.
93. I don’t know where I’d be without my friends. We’ve been through so much together and that bond is stronger than ever. You are truly my family and I love each of you and want you to know how much you mean to me!
94. There is nothing better than friends and family. I could not have asked for a better couple of friends to help celebrate my wedding, who also happen to be a couple. You guys are an absolute joy, and there is nothing more important in this world than love. I will never forget the wonderful time we spent together and the laughs that kept us smiling endlessly. Love you both lots!
95. Dear friends! Who would have thought we’d been friends for four years now? I could never ask for better people to surround me. Even if people come and go, you will always and forever, be my family. From a friendship just starting college to now, you are some of the best people in the world to me. Have a happy boxing day.
96. I am so glad we have found each other and hope our friendship continues to grow. I wish you and your family a great holiday season filled with joy and contentment.
97. I just had to say that no matter what happens I will always love you. You have been there for me through everything and no matter what stupid thing I may do, I’ve got you and that feels good. I’m glad you are in my life and that you are there to make me feel loved. I wish you an amazing holiday.
98. I am so glad to have friends like you. You have been with me through thick and thin. You have supported and encouraged me through good and bad, happy and sad. It doesn’t matter where our paths may lead, you are my friend forever. I love you both so much! Wish you a blessed day.
99. You matter to me so much. I can’t imagine my life without you. You are always there when I need someone to talk to, even if it is only for a minute, I will forever be grateful that you are in my life. Today and every day I think of you with every step of every day, Wow! I adore you and your never-ending kindness. You bring so much joy and happiness to my heart. Thank you for being there for me. Happy Boxing Day.
100. You are my best friend and I love you. Don’t forget that. I don’t know what I would do without you to share my life with… I do love you. And thank you for always being there to make me laugh. I love you more than I can ever say. Have a great holiday.
Happy Boxing Day Wishes And Messages To Grandparents
101. Warmest Wishes, Grandparents! May this Boxing Day fill your hearts with joy and laughter, surrounded by the love of family and the warmth of cherished memories.
102. On this Boxing Day, I send you a box full of love and gratitude for being the wonderful grandparents you are. May your day be filled with happiness and the company of those you hold dear.
103. Happy Boxing Day, Grandma and Grandpa! May the spirit of giving and togetherness bring you endless moments of happiness. Thank you for being the greatest gifts in my life.
104. Wishing my incredible grandparents a Boxing Day filled with the love you’ve showered upon us throughout the years. May today be as special and heartwarming as your presence in our lives.
105. Grandma, and Grandpa, may your Boxing Day be wrapped in the warmth of family, the joy of shared stories, and the delight of being surrounded by the love you’ve cultivated over the years.
106. Sending heaps of Boxing Day joy to the best grandparents in the world! Your love and wisdom are the true treasures that make this season and every day so special.
107. On this Boxing Day, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the love, guidance, and joy you bring into our lives. May your day be as bright and beautiful as the love you’ve shared with us.
108. Grandma and Grandpa, as we celebrate this Boxing Day, I reflect on the countless blessings you’ve bestowed upon our family. Your presence is the greatest gift, and I wish you a day filled with laughter and warmth.
109. Wishing my grandparents a Boxing Day filled with the warmth of family, the joy of shared moments, and the knowledge that your love is the most precious gift of all.
110. Happy Boxing Day, Grandma and Grandpa! May today be a reflection of the love and happiness you’ve given us throughout the years. Here’s to creating more beautiful memories together.
As the echoes of laughter and the warmth of shared moments linger on this Boxing Day, may these 100+ messages, wishes, and quotes continue to resonate in your hearts. From heartfelt sentiments to joyous wishes, let the spirit of this day linger, reminding us all of the importance of love, family, and the blessings that surround us.
As we close the chapter on this festive day, may the goodwill and happiness expressed in these messages extend into the days ahead, creating a tapestry of memories that enrich our lives. Happy Boxing Day, filled with love, gratitude, and the promise of a bright and joyous future!